1 // SpeakJet.h
2 //
3 // Author: Mike McCauley (mikem@airspayce.com)
4 // Copyright (C) 2011 Mike McCauley
5 // $Id: SpeakJet.h,v 1.3 2012/11/26 21:01:51 mikem Exp mikem $
6 /// \mainpage SpeakJet library for Arduino
7 ///
8 /// This is the Arduino SpeakJet library.
9 /// It provides an object-oriented class for driving a SpeakJet
10 /// http://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Components/General/speakjet-usermanual.pdf speech synthesizer chip,
11 /// such as installed on SparkFun VoiceBox shield https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10661
12 ///
13 /// It supports speaking of:
14 /// - raw individual phonemes
15 /// - arrays of phonemes
16 /// - words from a custom dictionary or the standard built-in dictionary
17 /// - sentences (sequences of words) from a custom dictionary or the standard built-in dicitonary
18 /// - integers from 0 to over 4 billion
19 /// - strings of digits or IP addresses
20 /// - creation and conversion of custom word-to-phonemes dictionaries
21 ///
22 /// The version of the package that this documentation refers to can be downloaded
23 /// from http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/arduino/SpeakJet/SpeakJet-1.4.zip
24 /// You can find the latest version at http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/arduino/SpeakJet
25 ///
26 /// Tested with SparkFun VoiceBox on Uno, Duemilanove, Diecimila, Mega.
27 /// Tested with Arduino 0021 and 1.0.2
28 ///
29 /// \par Electrical connection to the SpeakJet
30 ///
31 /// The connection to the SpeakJet chip requires 3 digital pins:
32 /// - Serial Data Tx from Arduino to the SpeakJet (RS232, using the SoftwereSerial class)
33 /// - Chip ready pin from the SpeakJet 'Speak' to the Arduino (low is ready)
34 /// - Reset from the Arduino to the SpeakJet (high is reset)
35 ///
36 /// Naturally, ground and 5V are also required to supply the chip.
37 ///
38 /// The SpeakJet library uses SoftwareSerial to send Serial commands at 9600 baud to the SpeakJet chip, using any of the
39 /// Arduino Digital output pins. The default is pin D2. No serial data is read from the SpeakJet chip.
40 ///
41 /// The SpeakJet constructor is where you specify the Arduino digital pins to use for each of these functions.
42 /// The default values work with a standard SparkFun VoideBox shield https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10661
43 ///
44 /// \par Dictionaries
45 ///
46 /// The SpeakJet library comes with a standard dictionary of approximately 1400 words, phrases and sound effects.
47 /// The functions speakWord() and speakWords() speak sound effects and words from this dictionary. It is based on the
48 /// PhraseALator.Dic dictionary file provided by SpeakJet, but converted to a 'C' structure
49 /// for use by this SpeakJet library (see standardDict.cpp).
50 ///
51 /// Alternatively you can create your own dictionary (either as a subset of the standard dictionary,
52 /// or from scratch with your own words, or a combination of the two) and use speakWordfromDictionary()
53 /// and speakWordsfromDictionary().
54 ///
55 /// The included convertDict.pl perl script reads one or more dictionary files in the same format as
56 /// PhraseALator.Dic and emits a 'C' file suitable for including in a header file or a .c or .cpp file.
57 ///
58 /// Also included is a smaller dictionary (numericDict.cpp) that includes mostly only numbers, and is used to speak
59 /// integers and digits with speakNumber() and speakDigits().
60 ///
61 /// In SpeakJet, a Dictionary is an array of DictionaryItem structures, terminated by an empty DictionaryItem.
62 /// You can build these by hand in your sketch, or you can rely on convertDict to create them from
63 /// a text .dic file. In any case, it is essential that the Dictionary, and all the words and code sequences it
64 /// points to are in PROGMEN. This will save you RAM.
65 ///
66 /// The standard dictionary and it set of 1400 or so words occupies about 30kbytes of Flash program memory.
67 /// This is far biger than some Arduinos can handle, and is quite close to the total permissable program size
68 /// for say the Arduino Uno. Fortunately the standard dictionary is only linked if you use
69 /// speakWord() or speakWords().
70 ///
71 /// The supplied standard and numeric dicitonaries only support English, but you could contruct your own
72 /// dictionaries to support other languages.
73 ///
74 /// \par convertDict.pl
75 ///
76 /// This support script is used to convert text dictionary files into 'C' structures suitable for including in
77 /// sketches or other C program files. It is used to create the numericDict.cpp and standardDict.cpp header
78 /// files that are shippped with the SpeakJet library, but you can use to to create your own dictionary header files.
79 ///
80 /// Command line arguments can be used to control the C variable name of the dictionary,
81 /// so you can have several different dictionaries in your sketch.
82 /// It can be used to creat a single dictionary out of one or more dictionary text files.
83 ///
84 /// Caution: while the .dic file format permits words to be defined in terms of other words, this is not supported
85 /// by convertDict.pl. Any word defintion that is *not* in terms of basic phonemes is flagged as an error and
86 /// is not added to the dictionary structure. This is mainly to avoid the fx* words int the PhraseALator.Dic file
87 /// being included in the standard dictionary and blowing the size out to more that 32 k.
88 ///
89 /// The format of the input dictionary files is:
90 /// [words]
91 /// word=\\PH \\PH \\PH \\PH ....
92 /// where 'word' is the ASCII text of the word to be spoken, and \\PH \\PH ... is a sequence of standard phoneme
93 /// mnemonics or control codes that will be used to speak the word.
94 ///
95 /// convertDict.pl will automatically append the EndOfPhrase byte required by every DictionaryEntry code array.
96 ///
97 /// \par Examples.
98 ///
99 /// A number of example sketches and a test suite illustrating the use of the public functions in SpeakJet is included.
100 ///
101 /// \par Installation
102 ///
103 /// Install in the usual way: unzip the distribution zip file to the libraries
104 /// sub-folder of your sketchbook.
105 ///
106 /// This software is Copyright (C) 2011 Mike McCauley. Use is subject to license
107 /// conditions. The main licensing options available are GPL V2 or Commercial:
108 ///
109 /// \par Open Source Licensing GPL V2
110 ///
111 /// This is the appropriate option if you want to share the source code of your
112 /// application with everyone you distribute it to, and you also want to give them
113 /// the right to share who uses it. If you wish to use this software under Open
114 /// Source Licensing, you must contribute all your source code to the open source
115 /// community in accordance with the GPL Version 2 when your application is
116 /// distributed. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
117 ///
118 /// \par Commercial Licensing
119 ///
120 /// This is the appropriate option if you are creating proprietary applications
121 /// and you are not prepared to distribute and share the source code of your
122 /// application. Contact info@airspayce.com for details.
123 ///
124 /// \par Revision History
125 ///
126 /// \version 1.0 Initial release
127 /// \version 1.1 Improve documentation
128 /// \version 1.3 Now Compiles amd runs with Arduino 0021. Added more documentation.
129 /// Constructor invertPin argument
130 /// removed (not available before Arduino 1.0)
131 /// \version 1.4 Updated author and distribution location details to airspayce.com
132 ///
134 #ifndef SPEAKJET_h
135 #define SPEAKJET_h
137 #if ARDUINO >= 100
138 #include <Arduino.h>
139 #else
140 #include <wiring.h>
141 #include <avr/pgmspace.h>
142 // These defs cause trouble on some versions of Arduino
143 #undef abs
144 #undef double
145 #undef round
146 #endif
148 #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
150 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
151 /// \class SpeakJet SpeakJet.h <SpeakJet.h>
152 /// \brief Driver object for SpeakJet chips such as on SparkFun
153 /// VoiceBox shield https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10661
154 ///
155 /// Uses SoftwareSerial class to send command codes to the SpeakJet chip.
156 /// Supports a wide range of funcitons for speaking words, phrases, numbers and strings of digits.
157 ///
158 class SpeakJet : public SoftwareSerial
159 {
160 public:
162  /// \brief Structure for translating text words into SpeakJet codes.
163  ///
164  /// word is a pointer to the ASCII text of the word to be pronounced.
165  /// codes is an array of SpeakJet phoneme codes that will be used to speak the word.
166  /// It must end with EndOfPhrase (0xff).
167  /// The entire dictionary must also be in PROGMEM.
168  /// See the included dicitonary files standardDict.cpp and numericDict.cpp for examples on
169  /// how to achieve this.
170  /// Alternatively use convertDict.pl to create correctly structured Dictionary from a .dic text file.
171  typedef struct
172  {
173  const prog_char* word; ///< ASCII text of word to speak (must be in PROGMEM)
174  const prog_uchar* codes; ///< Array of speakjet control codes. End with EndOfPhrase (0xff) (must be in PROGMEM)
175  } DictionaryEntry;
177  /// Command codes for SpeakJet chip.
178  /// These can be passed to speakCode().
179  /// Arrays of them can be passed to speakCodes(), with an EndOfPhrase at the end.
180  /// Based on http://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Components/General/speakjet-usermanual.pdf
181  typedef enum
182  {
183  Pause0 = 0, ///< Pause 0ms
184  Pause1 = 1, ///< Pause 100ms
185  Pause2 = 2, ///< Pause 200ms
186  Pause3 = 3, ///< Pause 700ms
187  Pause4 = 4, ///< Pause 30ms
188  Pause5 = 5, ///< Pause 60ms
189  Pause6 = 6, ///< Pause 90ms
190  Fast = 7, ///< Next phoneme at 0.5 speed
191  Slow = 8, ///< Next phoneme at 1.5 speed
192  Stress = 14, ///< Next phoneme with some stress
193  Relax = 15, ///< Next phoneme with relaxation
194  Wait = 16, ///< Stops and waits for a Start (see manual)
195  Soft = 18, ///< Stops and waits for a Start (see manual)
196  Volume = 20, ///< Next octet is volume 0 to 127. Default 96
197  Speed = 21, ///< Next octet is speed 0 to 127. Default 114
198  Pitch = 22, ///< Next octet is pitch in Hz = to 255
199  Bend = 23, ///< Next octet is frequency bend to 15. Default is 5
200  PortCtr = 24, ///< Next octet is port control value. See manual. Default is 7
201  Port = 25, ///< Next octet is Port Output Value. See manual. Default is 0
202  Repeat = 26, ///< Next octet is repeat count. 0 to 255
203  CallPhrase = 28, ///< Next octet is EEPROM phrase to play and return. See manual.
204  GotoPhrase = 29, ///< Next octet is EEPROM phgrase to go to. See manual.
205  Delay = 30, ///< Next octet is delay in multiples of 10ms. 0 to 255.
206  Reset = 31, ///< Reset Volume Speed, Pitch, Bend to defaults.
208  // 32 to 127 reserved
210  // 128 to 254 Sound codes
211  // Phonemes, standard names
212  Phoneme_IY = 128, ///< 70ms Voiced Long Vowel
213  Phoneme_IH = 129, ///< 70ms Voiced Long Vowel
214  Phoneme_EY = 130, ///< 70ms Voiced Long Vowel
215  Phoneme_EH = 131, ///< 70ms Voiced Long Vowel
216  Phoneme_AY = 132, ///< 70ms Voiced Long Vowel
217  Phoneme_AX = 133, ///< 70ms Voiced Long Vowel
218  Phoneme_UX = 134, ///< 70ms Voiced Long Vowel
219  Phoneme_OH = 135, ///< 70ms Voiced Long Vowel
220  Phoneme_AW = 136, ///< 70ms Voiced Long Vowel
221  Phoneme_OW = 137, ///< 70ms Voiced Long Vowel
222  Phoneme_UH = 138, ///< 70ms Voiced Long Vowel
223  Phoneme_UW = 139, ///< 70ms Voiced Long Vowel
224  Phoneme_MM = 140, ///< 70ms Voiced Nasal
225  Phoneme_NE = 141, ///< 70ms Voiced Nasal
226  Phoneme_NO = 142, ///< 70ms Voiced Nasal
227  Phoneme_NGE = 143, ///< 70ms Voiced Nasal
228  Phoneme_NGO = 144, ///< 70ms Voiced Nasal
229  Phoneme_LE = 145, ///< 70ms Voiced Resonate
230  Phoneme_LO = 146, ///< 70ms Voiced Resonate
231  Phoneme_WW = 147, ///< 70ms Voiced Resonate
232  Phoneme_RR = 149, ///< 70ms Voiced Resonate
233  Phoneme_IYRR = 149, ///< 200ms Voiced R Color Vowel
234  Phoneme_EYRR = 150, ///< 200ms Voiced R Color Vowel
235  Phoneme_AXRR = 151, ///< 190ms Voiced R Color Vowel
236  Phoneme_AWRR = 152, ///< 200ms Voiced R Color Vowel
237  Phoneme_OWRR = 153, ///< 185ms Voiced R Color Vowel
238  Phoneme_EYIY = 154, ///< 165ms Voiced Diphthong
239  Phoneme_OHIY = 155, ///< 200ms Voiced Diphthong
240  Phoneme_OWIY = 156, ///< 225ms Voiced Diphthong
241  Phoneme_OHIH = 157, ///< 185ms Voiced Diphthong
242  Phoneme_IYEH = 158, ///< 170ms Voiced Diphthong
243  Phoneme_EHLE = 159, ///< 140ms Voiced Diphthong
244  Phoneme_IYUW = 160, ///< 180ms Voiced Diphthong
245  Phoneme_AXUW = 161, ///< 170ms Voiced Diphthong
246  Phoneme_IHWW = 162, ///< 170ms Voiced Diphthong
247  Phoneme_AYWW = 163, ///< 200ms Voiced Diphthong
248  Phoneme_OWWW = 164, ///< 131ms Voiced Diphthong
249  Phoneme_JH = 165, ///< 70ms Voiced Affricate
250  Phoneme_VV = 166, ///< 70ms Voiced Fricative
251  Phoneme_ZZ = 167, ///< 70ms Voiced Fricative
252  Phoneme_ZH = 168, ///< 70ms Voiced Fricative
253  Phoneme_DH = 169, ///< 70ms Voiced Fricative
254  Phoneme_BE = 170, ///< 45ms Voiced Stop
255  Phoneme_BO = 171, ///< 45ms Voiced Stop
256  Phoneme_EB = 172, ///< 10ms Voiced Stop
257  Phoneme_OB = 173, ///< 10ms Voiced Stop
258  Phoneme_DE = 174, ///< 45ms Voiced Stop
259  Phoneme_DO = 174, ///< 45ms Voiced Stop
260  Phoneme_ED = 176, ///< 10ms Voiced Stop
261  Phoneme_OD = 177, ///< 10ms Voiced Stop
262  Phoneme_GE = 178, ///< 55ms Voiced Stop
263  Phoneme_GO = 179, ///< 55ms Voiced Stop
264  Phoneme_EG = 180, ///< 55ms Voiced Stop
265  Phoneme_OG = 181, ///< 55ms Voiced Stop
266  Phoneme_CH = 182, ///< 70ms Voiceless Affricate
267  Phoneme_HE = 183, ///< 70ms Voiceless Fricative
268  Phoneme_HO = 184, ///< 70ms Voiceless Fricative
269  Phoneme_WH = 185, ///< 70ms Voiceless Fricative
270  Phoneme_FF = 186, ///< 70ms Voiceless Fricative
271  Phoneme_SE = 187, ///< 40ms Voiceless Fricative
272  Phoneme_SO = 188, ///< 40ms Voiceless Fricative
273  Phoneme_SH = 189, ///< 50ms Voiceless Fricative
274  Phoneme_TH = 190, ///< 40ms Voiceless Fricative
275  Phoneme_TT = 191, ///< 50ms Voiceless Stop
276  Phoneme_TU = 192, ///< 70ms Voiceless Stop
277  Phoneme_TS = 193, ///< 170ms Voiceless Stop
278  Phoneme_KE = 194, ///< 55ms Voiceless Stop
279  Phoneme_KO = 195, ///< 55ms Voiceless Stop
280  Phoneme_EK = 196, ///< 55ms Voiceless Stop
281  Phoneme_OK = 197, ///< 45ms Voiceless Stop
282  Phoneme_PE = 198, ///< 99ms Voiceless Stop
283  Phoneme_PO = 199, ///< 99ms Voiceless Stop
284  // Robot sound
285  Sound_R0 = 200, ///< 80ms Robot
286  Sound_R1 = 201, ///< 80ms Robot
287  Sound_R2 = 202, ///< 80ms Robot
288  Sound_R3 = 203, ///< 80ms Robot
289  Sound_R4 = 204, ///< 80ms Robot
290  Sound_R5 = 205, ///< 80ms Robot
291  Sound_R6 = 206, ///< 80ms Robot
292  Sound_R7 = 207, ///< 80ms Robot
293  Sound_R8 = 208, ///< 80ms Robot
294  Sound_R9 = 209, ///< 80ms Robot
295  // Alarm sound
296  Sound_A0 = 210, ///< 300ms Alarm
297  Sound_A1 = 211, ///< 101ms Alarm
298  Sound_A2 = 212, ///< 102ms Alarm
299  Sound_A3 = 213, ///< 540ms Alarm
300  Sound_A4 = 214, ///< 530ms Alarm
301  Sound_A5 = 215, ///< 500ms Alarm
302  Sound_A6 = 216, ///< 135ms Alarm
303  Sound_A7 = 217, ///< 600ms Alarm
304  Sound_A8 = 218, ///< 300ms Alarm
305  Sound_A9 = 219, ///< 250ms Alarm
306  // Beeps
307  Sound_B0 = 220, ///< 200ms Beep
308  Sound_B1 = 221, ///< 270ms Beep
309  Sound_B2 = 222, ///< 280ms Beep
310  Sound_B3 = 223, ///< 260ms Beep
311  Sound_B4 = 224, ///< 300ms Beep
312  Sound_B5 = 225, ///< 100ms Beep
313  Sound_B6 = 226, ///< 104ms Beep
314  Sound_B7 = 227, ///< 100ms Beep
315  Sound_B8 = 228, ///< 270ms Beep
316  Sound_B9 = 229, ///< 262ms Beep
317  // Biological
318  Sound_C0 = 230, ///< 160ms Biological
319  Sound_C1 = 231, ///< 300ms Biological
320  Sound_C2 = 232, ///< 182ms Biological
321  Sound_C3 = 233, ///< 120ms Biological
322  Sound_C4 = 234, ///< 175ms Biological
323  Sound_C5 = 235, ///< 350ms Biological
324  Sound_C6 = 236, ///< 160ms Biological
325  Sound_C7 = 237, ///< 260ms Biological
326  Sound_C8 = 238, ///< 95ms Biological
327  Sound_C9 = 239, ///< 75ms Biological
328  // DTMF
329  DTMF_0 = 240, ///< DTMF 0 95ms
330  DTMF_1 = 241, ///< DTMF 1 95ms
331  DTMF_2 = 242, ///< DTMF 2 95ms
332  DTMF_3 = 243, ///< DTMF 3 95ms
333  DTMF_4 = 244, ///< DTMF 4 95ms
334  DTMF_5 = 245, ///< DTMF 5 95ms
335  DTMF_6 = 246, ///< DTMF 6 95ms
336  DTMF_7 = 247, ///< DTMF 7 95ms
337  DTMF_8 = 248, ///< DTMF 8 95ms
338  DTMF_9 = 249, ///< DTMF 9 95ms
339  DTMF_STAR = 250, ///< DTMF * 95ms
340  DTMF_HASH = 251, ///< DTMF # 95ms
341  // Miscellaneous
342  Sound_M0 = 252, ///< Sonar ping 125ms
343  Sound_M1 = 253, ///< Pistol shot 250ms
344  Sound_M2 = 254, ///< WOW 530ms
346  EndOfPhrase = 255, ///< End of phrase marker. Required at end of code arrays
348  } CommandCodes;
351  /// Constructor.
352  /// Specifies the Arduino digital pins to use to communicate with the SpeakJet chip.
353  /// The default values of the arguments are suitable for use with the standard SparkFun VoiceBox shield.
354  /// You can have multiple instances to talk to different SpeakJet chips, provided they use
355  /// interface pins.
356  /// \param[in] txPin Digital pin to use to send command codes to the SpeakJet. Defaults to 2.
357  /// \param[in] resetPin Digital pin to use to force a reset of the SpeakJet. Defaults to 3.
358  /// \param[in] readyPin Digital pin to use to read if the SpeakJet is ready for another code.
359  /// Defaults to 4, the SPK pin output from the SpeakJet chip.
360  SpeakJet(uint8_t txPin = 2, uint8_t resetPin = 3, uint8_t readyPin = 4);
362  /// Object initialiser.
363  /// This causes the digital interface pins in the constructor to be set for input or output as the case may be
364  /// The SoftwareSerial interface is initialised to 9600 baud, and the SpeakJet is reset by
365  /// forcing the Reset pin high for 100ms.
366  /// \return true if the reset succeeded.
367  bool init();
369  /// Reset the SpeakJet chip.
370  /// Forces the Reset pin high for 100ms.
371  bool reset();
373  /// Check if the SpeakJet chip is ready
374  /// to receive another code. Reads the state of the readyPin configured in the constructor. Low is ready.
375  /// \return true if it is ready.
376  bool isReady();
378  /// Wait until the SpeakJet chip is ready.
379  /// Blocks until isReady() return true.
380  void waitReady();
382  /// Speak a single phoneme code.
383  /// Waits until the SpeakJet chip is ready, then sends a single code (one of the CommandCodes enum entries)
384  /// This is the basic function used to send all codes to the chip.
385  /// Can also be used to sen control codes like Pause, Volume Speed etc to control the enunciation of following
386  /// Phonemes.
387  /// Returns after the code has been sent.
388  /// \param[in] code One of the CommandCodes enum entries or a raw code number
389  void speakCode(uint8_t code);
391  /// Speak a an array of phoneme codes.
392  /// Waits until the SpeakJet chip is ready, then sends a single code (one of the CommandCodes enum entries)
393  /// This is the basic function used to send all codes to the chip.
394  /// Returns after the code has been sent.
395  /// \param[in] codes Array of command codes, terminated by EndOfPhrase (255)
396  void speakCodes(uint8_t *codes);
398  /// Speaks a single dictionary entry
399  /// This low level function sends the code array of a DictionaryEntry to the SpeakJet chip.
400  /// You can call it from your own sketches, but it probably rarely necessary.
401  /// \param[in] dict Pointer to a DictionaryEntry in PROGMEM
402  /// \return true if successful.
403  bool speakDictionaryEntry(DictionaryEntry* dict);
405  /// Speaks a single word from a Dictionary.
406  /// Searches a Dictionary for an exactly matching word and then sends the corresponding codes
407  /// to the SpeakJet chip.
408  /// Caution: A linear search is currently used.
409  /// \param[in] word The word to speak in the dictionary
410  /// \param[in] dict Pointer to the first of a set of DictionaryEntry structures, one for each word in the Dictionary.
411  /// \return true if successful. False if the word is not present in the dictionary.
412  bool speakWordFromDictionary(const char* word, DictionaryEntry* dict);
414  /// Speak a sequence of words from a Dictionary.
415  /// The sequnce of words is spit by whitespace and the individual words are spoken one after another,
416  /// with a Pause1 between each word.
417  /// \param[in] words String of space separated words
418  /// \param[in] dict Pointer to the first of a set of DictionaryEntry structures, one for each word in the Dictionary.
419  /// \return true if successful.
420  bool speakWordsFromDictionary(char* words, DictionaryEntry* dict);
422  /// Speak a word from the standard Dictionary.
423  /// If the word is present in the standard dictionary, the codes will be sent to the SpeakJet chip.
424  /// \param[in] word The word to speak in the dictionary
425  /// \return true if successful.
426  bool speakWord(const char* word);
428  /// Speak a sequence of words from a standard Dictionary.
429  /// \param[in] words String of space separated words
430  /// \return true if successful.
431  bool speakWords(char* words);
433  /// Speak the digits in a string.
434  /// Each digit (and some punctuation) is spoken one charavcter at a time. Suported are:
435  /// - Digits 0 through 9
436  /// - '-' (sp0ken as "plus")
437  /// - '+' (spoken as "minus")
438  /// - '.' (spoken as "dot")
439  /// Other characters are ignored
440  /// \param[in] digits String of digits to be spoken, one at a time
441  /// \return true if successful.
442  bool speakDigits(const char* digits);
444  /// Speaks an integer number from 0 to 99
445  /// This low level function is used internally, and you probably would not need to call it from your sketch.
446  /// See instead speakNumber()
447  /// \param[in] n Integer from 0 to 99. Returns false if the number exceeds 99.
448  /// \return true if successful.
449  bool speakNumber99(uint8_t n);
451  /// Speaks an integer number from 0 to 999
452  /// This low level function is used internally, and you probably would not need to call it from your sketch.
453  /// See instead speakNumber()
454  /// \param[in] n Integer from 0 to 99. Returns false if the number exceeds 999.
455  /// \return true if successful.
456  bool speakNumber999(uint16_t n);
458  /// Speaks an integer number from 0 to (2^32 -1)
459  /// Converts the integer into an conventional English phrase for saying he number out loud such as:
460  /// 0 -> "zero"
461  /// 9 -> "nine"
462  /// 10 -> "ten"
463  /// 999 -> "nine hundred and ninety nine"
464  /// 1000 -> "one thousand"
465  /// 1001 -> "one thousand and one"
466  /// 65377 -> "sixty five thousand three hundred and seventy seven"
467  /// \param[in] n integer number from 0 to (2^32 -1)
468  /// \return true if successful.
469  bool speakNumber(uint32_t n);
472 private:
474  /// The digital out pin used to issue a reset to the SpeakJet chip
475  uint8_t _resetPin;
477  /// The digital input pin used to check whether the SpeakJet chip is ready for another code.
478  uint8_t _readyPin;
480 };
483 /// @example test.pde
484 /// Test suite sketch.
485 /// Tests all the SpeakJet library calls, and shows how to call them.
486 /// Demonstrates the use of custom and standard dictionaries, and the numeric dicitonary
487 /// for digits and numbers.
488 /// Uses the standard dictionary and therefore links to about 32K in size
489 /// which will not fit in some Arduinos.
490 /// Tested on Arduino Uno.
491 #endif